

Organizations are people and people need to believe in their mission and feel a sense of ownership. At Hercules, we believe successful transformations start with bringing people together to hear from various stakeholders about their challenges, to learn what success looks like to them and to align everyone on a shared vision that moves the organization forward.

Hercules addresses key drivers which are critical for a successful transformation. We do so by reducing where it makes an impact and increasing where it creates value.

Increasing value

  • Leveraging proprietary tools, technology and expertise to ensure increased return on your marketing budget.
  • Ensuring brand consistency local relevance, and communication effectiveness whilst by capitalizing on existing client systems.

Increasing quality

  • Leveraging the expertise of our in-market copywriters to address local culture and language nuances.
  • Establishing internal brand-guardianship with creativity at the core.

Increasing control

  • Leveraging flexible compensation models with full transparency and custom reporting for improved budget planning and cost control.
  • Full integration with Agresso, SAP, Aprimo for better collaboration.
  • Full end-to-end secure archiving for brand assets.

Reducing costs

  • Leveraging competitive nearshore rates, plus fixed price-per-deliverable for lower localisation costs optimal pricing management.
  • Ensuring local competitiveness via country-cluster based pricing models.

Improving brand safety

  • Strict quality acceptance protocol managed by our pool of native project managers.
  • Ensuring compliance via real time monitoring and tracking and with collaboration with local authorities.

Reducing time

  • Leveraging pre-programmed workflows in our online collaboration tools to speed up reactivity and time to market.
  • Shortened SLAs and immediate responsiveness.

Reducing effort

  • Ensuring less client involvement via centralized and decoupled organizational model.
  • Client tailored set-up limits time spent by local marketing teams.
  • Automated notifications and easy approval system decrease manual tasks.

Technological advantage

  • Leveraging the latest technological tools and processes to work at scale.
  • Ensuring efficient management of large volumes of work.



PULSE: Improving collaboration across teams and countries

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